![]() Dominion. You need it. If you’re feeling like things are out of control in some way, you probably aren’t alone. Between world issues, political issues, and just everyday personal issues, it can seem that everything has gone haywire—completely out of control! But, you have dominion. Dominion. What is it? Dominion is control. It’s the right to rule over something that’s weighing you down. When it comes right down to it, it’s the only antidote to feeling out of control. Dominion. You have it. The only antidote to chaos, injustice, fear? You really do need it! The good news is: You already have it. That’s right. In the first chapter of Genesis, God gives man dominion over the earth and everything on it. (See Genesis 1:26,27.) There is no problem that can come your way that you don’t already have dominion over. How can I be so sure? Dominion. It’s from God. Because God is the only power that exists. Since God is omnipotent, and we are made in His image and likeness, the dominion or control you and I have over any discordant situation is actually His power actively working in our lives. The Psalmist realized this when he wrote about man: “You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet” (Psalm 8:5,6 New King James Version). Dominion. It’s a law. In the study of Christian Science, one of the synonyms used for God is Principle. When I think of Principle, I think of divine law. The discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, says, “The Principle of Christian Science is divine. Its rule is, that man shall utilize the divine power” (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 69). We get to use God’s power?! Imagine your dad owns the fastest and flashiest sports car around. And guess what? He lets you borrow it whenever you want! No questions asked. Not only that—the gas tank is always full! It may seem like a stretch, but that’s the way it is with God’s power. It isn’t that God allots us our own power. We are tapped in to His. This fact gives you dominion over anything that would throw you for a loop. It could be news of horrific events halfway around the globe. It could be a disagreement with a friend or family member. It could be an illness that keeps threatening to keep you from work. No matter what it is, God’s omnipotence, including the dominion you’re expressing because of it, is the most powerful thing going on in your life. Dominion: Use it—it works! Not too long ago, I took a friend to take her citizenship test. We had been preparing for the interview questions off and on for about two years. She did well, but didn’t pass. She felt she had been unfairly treated in her interview, and from what she had told me, I agreed. We were both devastated. We knew the average waiting time for a second interview was two months. I shared the sad news with another friend and she reminded me that we didn’t have to expect to wait a long time, but that we could see my Spanish speaking friend as a loved citizen in God’s kingdom right then. The comment reminded me that I had dominion over what seemed to be an unjust situation. I encouraged my friend to stop feeling sad, put her foot down, and tap into the confidence that God was in charge of every detail of her life. It felt good for both of us to stop feeling helpless about what had just happened, and also to stop feeling apprehensive about the second interview. Dominion. I could feel it. I felt dominion over any possibility of failure and injustice on our drive down to the second interview just one month later. I knew she felt it too, because she said she wasn’t going to be nervous this time. She passed, and even received her citizenship document at a ceremony the same day. Of course, we were elated! Dominion. The only possibility. The next time you’re presented with a disturbing situation on the news, or in your community, or in your own home, exercise your God-given dominion. It’s omnipotence in action—how can you fail? Entirely separate from the belief and dream of material living, is the Life divine, revealing spiritual understanding and the consciousness of man's dominion over the whole earth. This understanding casts out error and heals the sick, and with it you can speak "as one having authority."
~Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
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AuthorI hope these insights will inspire readers to think more spiritually about themselves and the world around them! Archives
July 2018